Our Vision: We envision people, bears, cougars and wolves coexisting peacefully on Vancouver Island.
Who we are
The Coexisting with Carnivores Alliance (CwCA) is a non-profit organization that promotes coexistence between people, bears, cougars and wolves on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia. We support communities in reducing human-carnivore conflicts by helping them to find solutions and build capacity to share the landscape with carnivores and by promoting tolerance and appreciation of bears, cougars and wolves.
Our Goals
Our group focuses on people, carnivores and the landscape they share by:
1.Empowering governments and communities with solution-based and learning-oriented approaches that foster coexistence with bears, cougars and wolves.
2. Supporting the conservation and enhancement of ecosystems and linkages suitable for carnivores' long term survival on Vancouver Island.
3. Promoting education on, tolerance of, and appreciation for carnivores.
In the long term, we hope to foster a shift from conflict to coexistence, to build capacity and resources to effectively address human-wildlife interactions, and to develop a prototype that can be used by other communities within and beyond British Columbia.